Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog Post #9 What can we learn from Ms Cassidy?

Ms. Kathy Cassidy is a First Grade teacher in Moose Jaw, Canada. She uses technology in her classroom full of six year olds. Not only is she a true trailblazer of technology, she is also an advocate for technology. In watching the interviews with her, it is very clear that she knows a great deal about it. It is truly amazing to see those kids using blogs and wikis as if they were adults. I think that it is great that she also mentions how much support she had when starting her webpage and blogs in her class. By the end of the school year, her students are not only able to blog properly but they also use wiki's and are able to navigate on a computer as good as any adult. My classroom will be similar to Ms. Cassidys. Not only will my students be using computers, they will also be blogging. I really like the fact that she stresses the importance of students learning online and with computers. With technology evolving more and more each day, it only makes sense to have a classroom where technology can be easily accessed.

Ms. Cassidy's students are so much ahead of the curve as far as learning with technology. She starts them early and I like the fact that she is so positive about the students learning. Although she has been teaching with technology for over 10 years now, she still keeps the students busy with new and ever learning technological projects. Ms. Cassidy is a perfect example of a teacher making a difference which is what I want to do as a teacher. Overall, I like how Ms.Cassidy teaches and I have learned a great deal from the interviews and video.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog Post # 8 Learning and Communication Tools in the 21st Century

As time has passed, it seems like EVERYTHING has gotten either faster or smaller. This can not be more apparent than in the field of technology. Technology is an ever growing field in today's society. So as with anything with time, technology has affected the field of teaching IMMENSLY! With 21st century tools like portable computers(PC), Smart Board Technology, and other tools, teachers and students can access almost anything. Its amazing to see how much technology has changed teaching. There are also other social networking tools that anyone can use as well and I will be explaining them as I divulge into 21st century learning and communicating.


The evolution of teaching has affected the way students learn as well. Now students access information in many different ways as the internet has evolved into a literal machine. No matter what happens, I can guarantee one thing. Technology will continue to evolve and continue to get more advanced. With major web search engine, google, any information a student would need is accessible. Although there are other search engines, the point is that information is not only more accessible but its faster than ever to access. Therefore, research can be done amazingly quick.

E-Learning is a term that refers to the evolution of learning in the 21st Century. E-Learning has not only become very common, it is very popular. Through E-Learning, many different institutions have classes online for people who do not feel that learning in a class room is best for them so getting an education is a possibility for anyone who applies themselves. Students may also use such websites like YouTube for informational or how to video's. The tools that the internet can provide are virtually endless. Not only has it evolved with computers but, students can now download apps on his/her phone and access school information through his/her cellular device.

Social Networking Tools

Social Networking tools such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are trending now more than ever. Celebrities and non celebrities alike have these tools and can virtually access the world in a way that no machine can; Through the eyes of the people. People have accounts and put many different thoughts, feelings, and pictures on the public internet, therefore anyone can possibly see it. These tools also have apps that students may download on cellular devices. These apps allow for students to take pictures of anything thats happening at that moment and post it publicly. These apps also provide students to publicly voice any opinion that they want on any topic. So, with proper knowledge of technology, some of these tools can be very helpful for students and teachers. There are also sites like Blog Spot, that allow students and teachers to make blogs and can write about anything. Overall, communication tools have gotten more efficient and of course smaller and faster.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch? Blog Post #7

I think that Professor Pausch has helped provide me with insight as to become a more active learner. The ideas and views expressed in his video were very eye opening for me. As I watched this video, I realized that my dreams consists of enabling others(My Students) dreams and Mr. Pausch could not have made that more clear for me. Not only does it make me happy to see students doing things that they never could have imagined but it is so rewarding to have young people look up to you. Whether we know it or not, we all have an influence on people in our lives. Whether it is our students or peers, we affect everyone in our lives in a certain way in which we may never know. So my question is... How can I enable others dreams? I think the answer is relatively simple. Although it is easier said than done, I think that if an individual(especially a teacher) maintains a solid level of positivity, stays humble, and works hard; The dream will fulfill itself. No matter how big or small the goal, we all have to start somewhere. Mr. Pausch also made a point and said that you should always have something to bring to the table. I think that is important in that even if all you have is a good attitude, you can bring that and it could open many doors both professionally and personally. This speech by Professor Pausch was a speech that I will always remember because it was not only filled with many great ideas and suggestions but it was so real. He was being real with his audience and that it what I liked the most about the speech. Of course I will always push myself to be an "enabler" for others because it provides a good feeling for me to help someone else accomplish a goal or see someone else's dream come true to fruition. When Mr. Pausch was talking about dreams and goals and how to help others move toward accomplishing those, it really hit close to home for me because that is ultimately why I am here. I want to provide my students with the absolute BEST tools to not only accomplish personal goals but to go out and provide help for others as well. Overall, this was a great speech from Professor Pausch and I will advise my peers to go out and watch it!